Our time in Oregon is complete and we are now in Indiana. Last week we attended meetings at World Gospel Mission (WGM) International Headquarters. This next week we will be with family here in Indiana. On July 11 we will arrive in Uganda, assuming all flights will be as scheduled.
We are looking forward to returning home. It will be good to
reunite with those whom we love on that side of the world. We are eager to see
how God has been moving during our absence. The notes we are receiving from our African colleagues warm our hearts.
It will be wonderful to hear first-hand from colleagues how
they have seen God at work in their various avenues of ministry and in their
own lives. We look forward to rich times of sharing together.
Christine is eager to hear from those she volunteers with
how their training in Biblical orality helped them share God’s Word with
women and children. It will also be good to hear how Women’s Cycle of Life
trainings are progressing. We want to hear stories of God’s work in the hearts
and lives of women.
Jeff is interested to hear how God has been speaking to the
men with whom he met weekly for the past few years. We expect to hear of
victories, challenges, trials, dreams and disappointments. God’s Spirit has
been with these men, we know, and hearing their stories will be a great
We look forward to how God has been moving in readiness for
expansion in the WGM and Africa Gospel Church ministries to refugees. We are also listening to God for
plans to increase ministries to children and youth. There are exciting
possibilities and we expect God to direct us as we move forward.
As we lean into this next two-year term of service in Uganda
we eagerly look forward. We know God is working His plan and we count it a
privilege to be in His service. He has given us the work of making disciples of
all nations, teaching them to obey all that He commands us and we are eager to
resume the work in Uganda.
Please pray with us to stay devoted to Christ Jesus Himself and not to programs or causes. Oswald Chambers wrote, "There is a difference between devotion to a Person and devotion to principles or to a cause." (My Utmost for His Highest, July 2nd) We know there is a risk that the focus of our devotion could become the tasks, people or desired outcomes rather than remaining devoted to our Lord."To be a disciple is to be a devoted love-slave of the Lord Jesus." (Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, July 2nd) Thank you for praying for us to be faithful, devoted disciples of Jesus.
Jeff and Christine