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22 November, 2011

African Connections all around us!

We are amazed!  It has been eye-opening for us to find out how many friends, churches and small groups know one or more people in Kenya or Uganda.  One of our hopes throughout our transition and preparation for Uganda is that we might be able to build a network of acquaintances with whom we can learn from and fellowship with when we are in Uganda.  It is fun to see how God is bringing network information to us.

So many people have an African connection.  Early this month we were privileged to meet with a group of folks gathering at least monthly to pray for people in Africa for the past 11 years!   A couple of churches we recently visited have people just returning from or heading out to Africa.  People have shown us photos of African children, businesses or other interests they help support.  Other folks have let us know that the recent political unrest in much of Africa has led them to pray for the people of Africa to know Truth Himself. 

This is a small world indeed and we are so grateful to know God is at work in so many ways, so many places, through so many people.  What a privilege to have an African connection, and be part of others connecting too!!