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14 November, 2017

Prepare For Impact!

Image result for "prepare for impact"In day-to-day life there is a lot of talk about impact. The impact of climate change, the impact of a changing world economy. There is great impact on people and relationships due to violence, drugs, broken families and other poor choices made by both those we do and do not know. It seems every area of life is impacted one way or another by something or someone. What we do and don’t do, what we say and don’t say also impacts the world and those around us.  We need to prepare for impact! 
For the most part we can control the impact we have on others. But there are some things we have no control over. DNA is one of those things we have no control over. Often, people have told Christine and I that our son and daughter, resemble me. It is interesting that within a family, members can look somewhat alike (similar, nose shape, smile, etc.), but yet we each are unique. 

God has given us the opportunity to be a part of his family, as His child. As His child he wants us to look like, to be like him, like his Son.    Scripture says:
Gen 1:27So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he 
                       created them; male and female he created them.”
Romans 8:29“For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to 
                       become like his Son” 
We were created in the image of God, even as Christ was in God’s image. Yes, we are created in His image, but there is more to it.  Author John Piper said: As we are conformed to the image of Christ, he is made more and more the center of all things.

Jesus himself is the image of God" (Colossians 1:15–16). Therefore, we are being made into images of the image of the Father.

We are each created by God as a one-of-a-kind in His image and God wants us to live in His image, to live in the image of Christ. Living in His image is reflected in the work of our hands, in our hearts, in our attitudes and our actions. Everything we do is out of being in His image and is to be done with His love.  This only happens after a heart transformation. 

Jesus is our example. On the night before He went to the cross, Jesus washed His disciples' feet.
In John 13 we read Jesus sat down and said:
12  “Do you know what I have done to you?
13  You call me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am.
14  If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to 
          wash one another's feet.
15  For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you."
 Further down we read:
34. "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have 
           loved you, that you also love one another.
35. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.''

In verse 15 Jesus said “I have given you an example,” Living in the image of Christ who is living in the image of God:

  • God wants us to do what Jesus did.
  • God wants us to love like Jesus loved.
  • God wants us to live like Jesus lived.
  • God wants us to impact others by doing, loving and living as Jesus did.
Over the next several posts I would like to explore how we can live our lives with greater impact for Christ by following His example.


07 November, 2017

First Fruit

We moved to Uganda late in 2012. In February of 2013 we planted two starts of lemon trees. We asked, “How long does it take for lemon trees to bear fruit?” The answer we received was, “Usually 4-5 years here.”

That sounded about like forever then. However, we were delighted to discover in the spring months of 2017 that our lemon trees were blooming. “Don’t get too excited,” we told ourselves. “The trees may just bloom this first year and not yield any real fruit. But just imagine NEXT year!”  Yumm, we could almost taste the lemon!

We know that often the first fruits are not the best. It can be a scraggly beginning for some fruit bearing branches. Fruit-bearing can start off looking quite impressive only to yield little-to-none. We have just enough gardening experience to breed caution in us when it comes to the beginning.

BUT! We are experiencing an AMAZING crop of lemons this year. One tree had over 30 lemons and we are enjoying using them. We have made lemon tea, had fresh lemon slices in cool water, baked lemon cakes and muffins and bread. We have shared lemons with others. What a wonderful first year of bearing fruit for that tree! The other tree does not get as much sun and has put forth fewer lemons, but that tree is blooming again now, so who knows how many more it might produce?

We enjoyed harvesting the first lemons. The two gentlemen who have carefully raised the trees with us celebrated the harvest of our first fruits. 

I soon realized that to make the fruit useful, it has to be changed. To use a lemon, we wash it clean and then we either abrasively grate it or we cut it. After cutting it we may continue cutting it into pieces or we may aggressively squeeze it until all the juice is out. To use a lemon, we never leave it the way it came to us off the tree. But oh, we have been delighted in using our first fruits.

We have been thinking a lot about first fruit. We are about to complete our first term (two years) in the position of Country Director of WGM in Uganda. We feel like first fruit times. We had our scraggly spots through the term. We were cautious about the beginning.

Now we feel like lemons off the tree. God cleansed us. We have been abrasively grated. God has done refining work in us, peeling off some layers that we might be a more pleasing aroma to those around us.

God has done some cutting, too. And have been squeezed! We confess not everything that came out was sweet; some was undoubtedly sour. God did not leave us the way we came into this term. He has not left us unchanged. Even so, we have felt His delight in using us. We believe God is using the ingredients in us to make something good, and the seeds harvested from us to bear more fruit for His Kingdom. We offer it all up to Him in worship. (In some ways, it is kind of special to be first fruits J)

With a grateful heart,


26 May, 2017

Happy Mother's Day!

It was beautiful, it was hard work and I was a hot mess at times. Tuesday afternoon was the Mothers’ Day celebration at Jangu Omulise, a ministry of Uniquely Woven with Doors Ministry. Women began arriving as soon as the door to the open air community meeting room was unlocked. By the time the gate was closed there were somewhere between 150-200 mamas crowded in, sitting closely together on benches, chair and mats on the floor. It was beautiful!

But serving that many women is hard work. Many volunteers showed up, including myself, willing to help however needed. We counted the gift bags to be sure we had enough. Re-useable sanitary pads were packed into the gift bags. A kilogram of rice was then added to each bag. Benches were unstacked and set up in the meeting room. Chairs were placed and mats unfolded. Tables were arranged and speaker plugged in. Excitement mounted. “Happy Mothers’ Day” was spoken often.

Women were individually greeted and welcomed. Blood pressures were checked. Food was prepared and carried in. Smiles and handshakes were shared. Laughter flowed and grace abounded. Praises rang out and worship carried our hearts far above that community meeting room. God’s Word was opened to us all and the Holy Spirit moved. Hands were raised and prayers were offered. Salvation was received and burdens were lifted. It was beautiful and I was a hot mess. The Spirit of God was upon us. 

 We demonstrated the use and care of the reusable sanitary pads. They smiled and cheered when they heard of their personal gifts. They raised their voices and said, “Thank you!” to the women in America who honored mothers in their lives by giving so these mamas could have this help. It was beautiful (and a little funny as we demonstrated use of the pads---they kept glancing over to the male volunteers).

Songs were sung and dancing broke out. Food was served and fellowship shared. Sodas were taken and gratitude flowed. Gift bags were handed out and farewells spoken. It was hard work. It was beautiful. And I was a hot mess at times. Happy Mothers’ Day!


18 May, 2017

Broken and Thrilled

My heart is broken. My soul is thrilled. My heart rejoices. My soul feels crushed. All of this happens every Tuesday afternoon as I gather with other volunteers and women in this community. While women come I assess blood pressures, answer questions mamas ask about their pregnancy or other health concerns, hand out Mama Kits, greet their young children and I pray. During the meeting we offer praise and worship, we share God’s Word together and we pray.

 Looking at their surroundings it could be assumed the women gathering here have nothing. But when I am with these dear ones, my heart is broken and my soul is thrilled. My heart rejoices even as my soul feels crushed. And just when I think I have seen it all, THIS HAPPENED on Tuesday…

As the opening announcements were being given  and ladies straggled into the gathering, one very pregnant mama stopped to talk to the leader. In turn, the leader shared with me that one of the mamas who comes regularly gave birth within the last 48 hours. All was well with the mom and babe until about 24 hours later when the mom wasn’t doing so well. She was transferred to a hospital.

The leader reported she had just been told that mom has nothing with her in the hospital. Her husband is in prison. She has no baby clothes. She has no food for herself and no money to use to meet any of their needs. This is not an uncommon scenario for these women. The leader said the mama who told her of this dire situation wanted to know if they could ask the women gathered to contribute to help the mama in the hospital. I agreed with the leader, “Yes! Let’s give these mamas a chance to be blessed through giving.”

The announcement was made. The ladies stood and prayed together for the mama in the hospital and for her tiny newborn. They prayed earnestly, with sincerity, asking God to intervene and meet that mama, one of their own. My heart was broken but my soul was thrilled! I could almost feel the breath of the Holy Spirit.

And then, they put what they had into the offering cup. 

They gave, and not just a little. These precious women collected nearly 40,000 Ugandan shillings (just over the equivalent of U.S. $10)! Amazing! My heart rejoiced in their generosity even as my soul felt crushed with the weight of what they would be going without in their own homes in order to help give life to the mama and newborn in the hospital. I could almost hear the angels rejoicing.

On Tuesday afternoons my heart is broken. My soul is thrilled. My heart rejoices. My soul feels crushed. And I can hardly wait until Tuesday comes again.


09 May, 2017

A dream come true

Last week I renewed my nursing license. We drove across the city to the office of the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Council. On the way I reminisced through my childhood dream, my dream of being a nurse one day. I wanted to help people.
Oregon License

June of 1981 my dream became a reality. I graduated from nursing school. November of the same year I received my official registration (RN) from the Oregon State Board of Nursing. Hooray! I worked as a hospital nurse for nine years in Oregon, learning much and helping many people. Through nursing I connected people to Jesus. I loved my work.

Kenyan License
 Little did I know that ten years later I would become a KRN; a registered nurse in Kenya. My dream multiplied. I was Christine Stanfield, RN, KRN. My avenue for helping people multiplied as well. Oh, how I loved teaching nursing students, in Tenwek School of Nursing, how to help people. My students helped more people than I ever could as just one nurse. They connected many people to Jesus. I loved my work.

Ugandan License
Imagine my surprise when 21 years later God invited Jeff and me to join Him in what He is doing in Uganda. We moved to Kampala, the capital city, in 2012. For the first year I observed and I listened. I learned much. Then my dream multiplied again. I went through the process to be registered as a nurse in Uganda. Now I am Christine Stanfield, RN, KRN, URN (Uganda Registered Nurse). I don’t work in a hospital and I don’t teach in a nursing school. I still help the people God brings my way.

At a Sports Tournament
Sometimes they come to my door. Sometimes I go to where they are playing sports. Once in a while I give advice on medication dosages or clarify medical reports for people unpracticed in reading the medical language. I teach community health lessons, helping people know how to help themselves and others. I take blood pressures and pray with pregnant women as I hand out a maternity delivery kit, called a Mama Kit. I have many opportunities to give spiritual care, connecting people to Jesus. I help people. I love my work.

I had a dream and God multiplied it. I am a nurse. I help people, connecting them to Jesus. I love my work.

What is your dream? Are you willing to let God multiply it?