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15 September, 2018

Self-care: Sometimes we need it just like this

When nothing in a week goes as planned. When projects get started but meet delays and disruptions. When you plan to move linearly from point A to point B and you get derailed almost before starting. When your eyes and brain are “screened out” and you can’t stay inside another minute. When your spirit and heart cry out for relief, what do you do?

Sometimes self-care looks like this. Start a project that can be completed, in a straight line, without needing to reference any screened device. Drive in a couple of stakes. String the plumb line.

Dig in the dirt. Stop and smell the roses. Lay out the concrete bricks. Measure and level. Dig some more. Check the level. Lay the next brick. Have great conversation. Move on down the line, the very straight line.

And add friends. Really good friends. Friends with whom you share history. Friends with whom you have:
ü  wept
ü  laughed
ü  served God
ü  celebrated
ü  mourned
ü  shared meals
ü  problem-solved
ü  met challenges
ü  shared chai
ü  searched God’s Word
ü  prayed
ü  worked hard
ü  listened to football (soccer) matches
ü  learned
ü  built something together
ü  revealed our hearts
ü  served each other

This is today. This is self-care. This is sharing stewardship of 
creation with friends who also worship our Creator. Friends with 
whom we share life here in Uganda. Friends whom we love dearly.

This is making the space we are given care over to grow in reflecting the beauty of God. This is worship. This is hard physical labor and this is relief.

What do worship and self-care look like for you today?